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Sean O’Malley ‘Impressed’ By MrBeast’s Week In Solitary Confinement

Related Topics: Seán Patrick O'Malley, MrBeast

Seven days in solitary confinement? No thanks, says Sean O’Malley.

Not everybody is up for such a task, but a certain YouTuber named Jimmy Donaldson was. Better known as MrBeast, the popular influencer has tackled all sorts of challenges on his channel, including being buried alive for a week.

In his latest video titled ‘I Spent 7 Days In Solitary Confinement’, MrBeast went into another week confined, this time with white walls, unexpected food deliveries and absolutely no communication with the outside world.

Still, MrBeast found a way to survive the seven days all with the risk of losing himself in the process.